Get to know Eugene Dychdala, owner of Matgen Property Solutions.

I knew from a very young age I loved working with my hands. I was born and raised in Norristown, Pennsylvania. In the 4th grade, I started my own landscaping business to earn extra money. I would handle all the grass cutting, weeding, edging, and trimming for all my customers. I kept my landscaping business going as I worked my way through my undergrad at Ursinus College, where I studied Economics. Although I knew it was important to learn about business, I maintained my passion for fixing things and working outdoors. I went on to achieve my Masters in Counseling and Human Relations from Villanova University and began working as a precision assembler for a large aerospace company.
Looking to expand my experience, I graduated into a sales position which gave me the opportunity to meet supply managers and owners from various companies and industries. No matter what position I held in my professional career, my personal life was always filled with projects. In 1982, I dove into my passion for handiwork and built my own home, from the ground up, in Graterford, Pennsylvania. This experience was the best education I could have ever asked for. It allowed me to learn the tricks of the trades, and expand on the skills I loved until I finally mastered them.
I knew, from that experience, I wanted to work helping others with their projects around their homes. Being able to complete a job well done and taking those lengthy “to-do” lists off my customers’ shoulders is what drives me each and every day. I want to give people back time with their families. Time to relax. Time to enjoy their weekends, instead of grinding away at an endless task list.
I work on each and every project as if it were in my own home, taking care and attention to get it done right, the first time. If you are looking at, what seems to be an endless and daunting “to-do” list, check it off as DONE with one call to Matgen Property Solutions.
It’s time to get back to your weekends!